After Alana Fulvio, lost the love of her life just 2 weeks after they were married tragically, Alana acknowledges how this ended up being one of the greatest gifts for her soul growth despite of course not wanting to lose her husband. One day in her pits of despair, she gave herself an ultimatum where she was either going to commit suicide because the emotional limbo she was in she could not go through anymore or choose to walk through the fire not knowing what was on the other side. Thanks to her inner strength, Alana chose to rise out of the ashes like a phoenix and shares her story to inspire others who have dealt with tragedy. She also is the Founder of the WE Leaders Movement which Alysha LOVES so much because WE is so much greater than ME and is one of the reasons, Alysha took the I out of myrony. Speaking of myronies wait until you hear the ones connecting Alana and Alysha…definitely believe Divine Design was doing some major interweaving to bring them together!!


About the Guest:

Alana Fulvio is a 13-time world record-holding Skydiver with over 3500 jumps, an Olympic Development Athlete, ex Silicon Valley in-house Talent, People and Culture Recruiter and Advisor for some of the world’s most successful companies like Linkedin and GoPro, psychic intuitive, podcast host and women’s travel empowerment coach.

In 2014, Alana quit her corporate Silicon Valley career and, after over a year on the road traveling the US alone in her RV as “the soul journeyer”, she founded her company Pendulum, LLC.

Alana now focuses Pendulum on taking her 16+ years and helping leaders and their teams succeed within the biggest profit and people loss gap in business today – People, Culture and Leadership – it is the future of success. Alana is the "People First" Business Strategist, Advisor and Coach who has cracked the code on how to get Culture Design, Hiring, Retention, Employee Performance and Profit right, earlier than ever in history, offering the market simplified solutions to their historically complex problems.

Alana is known for building "WE Cultures": high-performing teams of retained and profit-driven employees with the least spend and time, with the highest ROI with positive employer brands to match.

Alana is an intuit, seer, and clairaudient and can read and see breakdowns before pen is put to paper, making her an integral asset to leadership. 

As the WE Leader Movement founder, author/writer, sentient being advocate and active volunteer with various human and animal rights nonprofits in the US and Africa, Alana delivers a differentiating partnership. Alana’s personal culture is grounded in authenticity, collaborative connection, integrity and freedom-based results, giving her clients the upper hand and accelerating their growth both professionally and personally.    


Social Media

After Alana Fulvio, lost the love of her life just 2 weeks after they were married tragically, Alana acknowledges how this ended up being one of the greatest gifts for her soul growth despite of course not wanting to lose her husband. One day in her pits of despair, she gave herself an ultimatum where she was either going to commit suicide because the emotional limbo she was in she could not go through anymore or choose to walk through the fire not knowing what was on the other side. Thanks to her inner strength, Alana chose to rise out of the ashes like a phoenix and shares her story to inspire others who have dealt with tragedy. She also is the Founder of the WE Leaders Movement which Alysha LOVES so much because WE is so much greater than ME and is one of the reasons, Alysha took the I out of myrony. Speaking of myronies wait until you hear the ones connecting Alana and Alysha…definitely believe Divine Design was doing some major interweaving to bring them together!!


About the Guest:

Alana Fulvio is a 13-time world record-holding Skydiver with over 3500 jumps, an Olympic Development Athlete, ex Silicon Valley in-house Talent, People and Culture Recruiter and Advisor for some of the world’s most successful companies like Linkedin and GoPro, psychic intuitive, podcast host and women’s travel empowerment coach.

In 2014, Alana quit her corporate Silicon Valley career and, after over a year on the road traveling the US alone in her RV as “the soul journeyer”, she founded her company Pendulum, LLC.

Alana now focuses Pendulum on taking her 16+ years and helping leaders and their teams succeed within the biggest profit and people loss gap in business today – People, Culture and Leadership – it is the future of success. Alana is the "People First" Business Strategist, Advisor and Coach who has cracked the code on how to get Culture Design, Hiring, Retention, Employee Performance and Profit right, earlier than ever in history, offering the market simplified solutions to their historically complex problems.

Alana is known for building "WE Cultures": high-performing teams of retained and profit-driven employees with the least spend and time, with the highest ROI with positive employer brands to match.

Alana is an intuit, seer, and clairaudient and can read and see breakdowns before pen is put to paper, making her an integral asset to leadership. 

As the WE Leader Movement founder, author/writer, sentient being advocate and active volunteer with various human and animal rights nonprofits in the US and Africa, Alana delivers a differentiating partnership. Alana’s personal culture is grounded in authenticity, collaborative connection, integrity and freedom-based results, giving her clients the upper hand and accelerating their growth both professionally and personally.    


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info: [email protected]  

Phone: 650-393-3924

About the Host:

Alysha Myronuk is the creator of the concept myrony (my+irony) which are the crazy coincidences that happen in life we can’t explain…it’s also another word for sign/synchronicity. Myrony is slightly different because it’s synchronicity in motion since it’s up to us to pay attention to the coincidences or signs but also “listen” to the intuitive pull we all get which Alysha believe is our greatest superpower!  

Alysha’s life was fairly normal until she got into a car accident that triggered fibromyalgia at the age of 18 and had to deal with that very painful chronic condition along with many other life challenges including loss of both parents, marriage, divorce, severe depression, suicidal thoughts & attempt, alcohol/prescription drug abuse and a full hysterectomy by the time she was 35. Alysha’s strong spiritual connection and tenacity is what helped her through those very dark days that lead into years at times. Later she realized the reason she went through those trying times was so she could help others struggling with life’s challenges and share the understanding of how to move forward.

She now lives in San Jose, CA but still considers herself an East Coast girl at heart after growing up in Northern New Jersey and living in Delaware, Maryland and DC area for her entire life until she moved to California in 2012 in 6 days which is a part of her myronic journey that helped create the shift to tap into her super power that she calls her “Spiritual Spidey Sense” & wants to show you how to do the same!

She is extremely excited to now be following her calling in life by sharing myrony with the world & also helping others with “My Myrony” Mentoring where she uses her psychic gift of “knowing” also known as claircognizance to help her clients through personalized intuitive readings along with her “Unlock Your Blocks” Program to release what they need to move forward and create the life they truly desire all with a little myrony! 

So if you are feeling stuck & would like to have a FREE 30 minute intuitive call so Alysha can uncover some of your blocks & maybe even discover the name for your inner superpower then please click the link to schedule a call!


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