Let us rewind once again! The year we’re going back to is 1982 – the year that Harrison Ford wasn’t doing a Star Wars or Indiana Jones movie – Blade Runner.

In anticipation of the upcoming sequel Blade Runner 2049, Jason and Rob rewind to bring us a review of the Ridley Scott’s neo-noir, science fiction film. But which version you ask? Blade Runner: The Final Cut.

In a slightly dystopian 2019 Los Angeles, ex-police officer Rick Deckard (Harrison Ford) is forced to return to his old job as a “Blade Runner” – His assignment: eliminate four escaped bioengineered Replicants. Deckard goes to the Tyrell Corporation where he meets Rachel (Sean Young), a Replicant girl he develops feelings for – challenging his previous views on the humanity of Replicants.

In the cinematic feature that has garnered itself a cult following, we dig deep in exploring the many levels of themes (it's our most analytical podcast yet), the special effects, and standout scenes. We ask the important questions; What do the eyes mean? What’s the deal with the unicorn? And is Deckard a Replicant!? Sit back and enjoy our second episode of Rewind & Review.