That Blind Tech Show got together and with all of us busy, busy, busy we got together in the Orchard to pick some apples. However, my dear listeners, was there really much for the picking? There were a couple of low hanging fruit and some elusive ones that never showed up. We decided to slice up the apples and add some filler and make some apple crisp. Yes, the crumbley kind at that.

With iOS 13 ready to play with your accessibility, or maybe not, Apple already has thrown out a bone to us by letting everyone know when iOS 13.1 will be out. Sept. 29 so they say. What’s up Apple?

From Apple Card, Apple Pay, Carrier prices and Apple trade ins, we manage to squeeze in some fantasy right away, Fantasy Football that is.  But hey, Arcade is all about games right? Accessible Games? Hmmm.

We don’t go all nutso over the Apple pickings but we give our experience and views on the latest blossoms from the big old Apple tree.

With a bit of love and laugh, Serina, Brian and Jeff bob for apples and whatever else comes out of their mouth I guess. But really, there are some good deals and price points for students and parents of students looking to outfit their youngins.

So kick back and enjoy the attempt we make in getting a podcast out while we are all busy doing other things. Well, at least we don’t just sit in the orchard all cast, we even talked about… umm… ok, we didn’t fall far from the tree.

Have a great day and see you all on the next That Blind Tech Show when Brian will know how to turn a simple knob and put it back at 12 o’clock. Maybe Serina is expecting too much? Rocket science? Stay tuned!



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