Listen to That Android Show Episode 31: Admit You Are Happy The band is back together and its time to wrap up the summer. Google i/o, Site Village and the NFB/ACB summer shows are bandied about between JJ, Ana and Steve. Put your feet up, its an old fashioned gab fest Android style! In The […]

Listen to That Android Show Episode 31: Admit You Are Happy

The band is back together and its time to wrap up the summer. Google i/o, Site Village and the NFB/ACB summer shows are bandied about between JJ, Ana and Steve. Put your feet up, its an old fashioned gab fest Android style!

In The News:

Eve Andersson, manager of the core @googleaccess team at Google research, gave an inspiring speech at NFB 2014

Revisiting the “Switch to Android full-time” experiment

Fun with an Á Capella voice sample #30DaysWithAndroid

Google’s Play Store refund policy appears to have been extended to two hours

Tesco’s prototype Glass app lets you order milk by looking at the barcode

The Summer That Was…

We’ve had a lot of questions, emails and comments about the various summer events. And now its time to chat about all we heard from the various extravaganzas. Be sure to send in your thoughts to us via iBlink Radio, on Twitter and through email [email protected] with your opinions on these hot button issues.

Speaking of iBlink Radio, remember you can use that awesome Android app to catch up on all of SPN’s summer specials by checking the “Catch Convention” link on the front page or by going straight to our SeroTalk website

Additional Info…

There were a few products mentioned throughout this episode. Here are links to some of the products mentioned.

JJ talked about Android access with the iGrillMini

Steve described Telorion. To learn more, or purchase, it visit this link.

Or visit their homepage.

Contacting the Team

We’ve had our say, now its your turn. Drop us a line at or send us a tweet at our official Twitter page.

You can also follow our hosts by visiting

Ana’s Accessible Android blog or

JJ at

Finally, Check out Steve’s Twitter feed.

Thanks for listening!

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