Listen to That Android Show Episode 30: Short But Sweet Its summer. Pools, beaches, backyards and BBQs. Those all sound like fun don’t they? Well, um, the crew of our show wouldn’t know because for them, sadly, their lives have involved hotels. But for travel related to summer connventions… and work. Oh well, we’ll catch […]

Listen to That Android Show Episode 30: Short But Sweet

Its summer. Pools, beaches, backyards and BBQs. Those all sound like fun don’t they? Well, um, the crew of our show wouldn’t know because for them, sadly, their lives have involved hotels. But for travel related to summer connventions… and work. Oh well, we’ll catch up with the team next month. This time around we’ll have a short show with a demo, an interview and a review. Enjoy the summer everyone! App Demo: iBlink Radio

Lisa takes us on a tour of the new features found in the recently updated iBlink Radio for Android. The new version of iBlink Radio, also available on Kindle Fire OS devices, sports the ability to download content for offline listening. Check out this demo to hear what else is new with Serotek’s iBlink Radio. Then, right there from the app, leave feedback via the iReport button. Who knows, you may hear that on our next show! Also, feel free to read our help documentation for iBlink Radio here.

Finally, listen to Lisa’s demo of iBlink Radio from a cross-platform perspective first heard on SeroTalk Podcast 205.

Developer Interview: En-Vision America

joe sits down with David Raistrick, of En-Vision America, to talk about the recently released ScriptTalk Mobile. Hear a short demo of the NFC based technology that can make reading prescription medication information a whole lot easier. And find the app in the Google Play store.

App Review: legend Of The Blue Dragon

From the thrilling days of yester year, or at least back when the world used a BBS for what we now call online communication, JJ brings us a demo of the classic “Legend of the Blue Dragon” game. Except, some how over the years, the dragon that was once red on BBS is now blue. No worries as the gameplay is the same. Which means it’s a whole lot of fun.

Contacting the Team

We’ve had our say, now its your turn. Drop us a line at or send us a tweet at our official Twitter page.

You can also follow our hosts by visiting

Ana’s Accessible Android blog or

JJ at

Finally, Check out Steve’s Twitter feed.

Thanks for listening!

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