Welcome back to the Hosting Hotline! This is an Ask Me Anything where each week we’ll answer your questions on Airbnb, STRs, real estate, and everything in between.

Whitney asks:

Can I create a parent-child listing for two homes that are next door to each other? I own one of them and my neighbors own the other. I'm the co-host for their house. I would like to create a parent-child listing to accept large groups that can stay in both homes, but I'm also aware that there may be tax consequences or other complications I may be missing by accepting a booking for both homes at once.

I'm wondering if there's a way to create a parent-child listing and accept inquiries – and then when they do visit the page to book both – direct them to each individual listing. Any insight would be really helpful.

(00:01:21) Question About Listing Neighboring STR Properties Together

(00:03:00) What is a Parent-Child Short-Term Rental Listing?

(00:05:38) Pro Tips for Hosting a Unique Parent-Child Vacation Rental

(00:08:27) Leverage Data to Make Better STR Decisions

Thanks to everyone who submitted questions. To hear your voice on the show and send a question to Sarah and Annette, submit your burning hosting questions at: hostinghotline.com.


• Visit thanksforvisiting.com/workshop to watch our Hosting Business Mastery Method workshop!

• Airbnb Essentials Checklist: hostchecklist.com

Hosting Hotline: Listing Your Airbnb As A Parent-Child Setup #232

Parent Child Listings for Airbnb Properties - How To Create

• Sign up for Relay

• Recommended STR analytics tools: PriceLabs, AirDNA, and KeyData

Thanks for Visiting is produced by Crate Media.

Mentioned in this episode:

Hosting Business Mastery Method | Join us for our live, free, host masterclass and learn how to OWN your digital real estate!

HBMM | Sign up today at hostmasterclass.com.

StayFi | Go to www.stayfi.com and enter TFV to get 50% off your first three months.

Quiz | Take our quiz to reveal your hosting personality style!