To wrap up the year, we’re recapping our Top 10 episodes of 2022! Thank you to all of our amazing guests who’ve joined us on the show, and for our new AMA episodes, thanks to all you listeners for submitting questions throughout the year. See you in 2023!

Resources:165. Double Your Bookings with This STR Listing Strategy148. Behind the Scenes on Our First Real Estate Deal146: Back to the Basics: 7 Things to Review in the New Year158. Building Successful Digital Marketing Campaigns with Emily Miethner152. Pets & Your Rental Property: What You Need to Know with Heather Kazmark151. How to Build a Foolproof Inspection Checklist147. Back to the Basics: Refocusing on Guest Experience155. Taking Your Short-Term Rental from Job to Business with Kylan Pimley161. Simplify Ordering & Save on Furnishing Your STR with Minoan162. Less is More in Luxury Real Estate with Rachel Gainsbrugh#STRShareSunday: @lucky_bend_lookout

Thanks for Visiting is produced by Crate Media.

Mentioned in this episode:

Minoan | Minoan helps short-term rentals and boutique hotels enhance their appeal with their customizable, curated retail platform.

Minoan | Visit and tell them TFV sent you!

Hosting Business Mastery Method | Join us for our live, free, host masterclass and learn how to OWN your digital real estate!

HBMM | Sign up today at

Breezeway | Go to to claim your free implementation when you start a Breezeway account.