This week I had a fantastic conversation with Prof. Graham Harman about his unique theory of Object-Oriented Philosophy. Our discussion was wide-ranging, we discussed Graham’s background, metaphysics, HP Lovecraft, art, architecture, Bruno Latour, contemporary Marxism, and Graham's views on the current politics of the United States.

Graham is a Professor of Philosophy at Sci-Arc in Los Angles. He has authored several articles and over 15 books. Most recently his work includes Object-Oriented Ontology: A New Theory of Everything (2018, Pelican) and Speculative Realism: An Introduction (2018, Polity). You can read the article Graham and I discussed about Bruno Latour here. Also, here you will find a link to the article Graham mentioned where he responds to Marxist criticism. Graham is a prolific blogger and you can find more about his writing and upcoming events there. You can also follow him on Twitter: @DrZamalek

With thanks to Niki Young of the University of Malta. 

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