Network security encompasses the security tools, policies, and techniques used to monitor, prevent, and respond to unauthorised network access. Having such a broad definition and, therefore, challenging approach, it is important that businesses know what key areas to focus on and what enterprise tech solutions they should look to to ensure appropriate, airtight protection.
Forming part of an exclusive three-part cybersecurity podcast series featuring Thales and host Dr. Eric Cole, Founder and CEO of Secure Anchor Consulting, this episode looks at data in motion and future-proofing from a quantum perspective. Dr. Eric speaks with Julian Fay, CTO at Senetas, a global partner of Thales. The pair explore the primary concerns of network security within the realm of data in motion with the help of key findings from our latest global survey on the encryption of public/private networks.

You can also learn more about this topic in our new whitepaper, Security Weaknesses in Data in Motion Identified in Cybersecurity Survey.

Dr Eric Cole

Dr. Eric Cole is an industry-recognized expert with over 20 years of hands-on experience, founder and an executive leader at Secure Anchor Consulting where he provides leading-edge cybersecurity consulting services, expert witness work, and R&D initiatives to advance our field.
Dr. Cole has experience in information technology with a focus on helping customers focus on the right areas of security by building out a dynamic defense. Dr. Cole has a master's degree in computer science from NYIT and a doctorate from Pace University with a concentration in information security. He served as CTO of McAfee and Chief Scientist for Lockheed Martin. Dr. Cole is the author of several books, including Advanced Persistent Threat, Hackers Beware, Hiding in Plain Sight, Network Security Bible 2nd Edition, and Insider Threat.

You can connect with Dr Cole on LinkedIn.

Julian Fay

Julian is the Chief Technology Officer at Senetas Corporation where he heads strategic product development. Julian has been working in the IT industry for 25 years with more than 15 of those in information security. Julian was formerly engineering manager at Secure Network Solutions before leaving to co-found the Senetas encryption business (formerly known as CTAM). He works with corporate and government clients around the world tailoring security solutions for a diverse range of network architectures and environments. Julian holds a BSc (Hons) Electronic Engineering and is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).

You can connect with Julian on LinkedIn.