Shared security, also known as shared responsibility, is a cloud security management model that describes the distribution of enterprise data security management and accountability between a company and its cloud service provider(s). The framework essentially enables improved productivity and unparalleled agility, so why isn't every organization adopting it?
In this episode, introduced by Neira Jones, Dr. Eric Cole, Founder and CEO of Secure Anchor Consulting,, explores adopting shared security as best practice. Dr. Eric speaks with Chris Martin, IAM Presales Solution Architect for EMEA at Thales. The podcast delves into the main areas of organizational risk concerning cloud migration and vendor native decisions before shedding light on the limitations of a single service provider. The guests then discuss the shared security model - its benefits and the implementation process. Final thoughts centre on what organizations need to understand about control over all users and effectively build a best practice shared security strategy

You can also learn more about this topic in our new whitepaper, Owning Your Own Access Security.

Dr Eric Cole
Dr. Eric Cole is an industry-recognized expert with over 20 years of hands-on experience, founder and an executive leader at Secure Anchor Consulting where he provides leading-edge cybersecurity consulting services, expert witness work, and R&D initiatives to advance our field.
Dr. Cole has experience in information technology with a focus on helping customers focus on the right areas of security by building out a dynamic defense. Dr. Cole has a master's degree in computer science from NYIT and a doctorate from Pace University with a concentration in information security. He served as CTO of McAfee and Chief Scientist for Lockheed Martin. Dr. Cole is the author of several books, including Advanced Persistent Threat, Hackers Beware, Hiding in Plain Sight, Network Security Bible 2nd Edition, and Insider Threat.
You can connect with Dr Cole on LinkedIn.
Chris Martin
Chris Martin is the lead EMEA Pre-Sales Solution Architect at Thales. With over 20 years expertise in the IAM space, Chris’ extensive background includes Enterprise SSO, PAM, IDaaS and Identity Governance that enables him to bring a holistic approach to enterprise IAM.

Within Thales, Chris works alongside our customers to help them define, develop and execute their IAM strategies, either aligning Thales solutions to an existing IAM architecture or building from the ground up. Prior to joining Thales, Chris honed his IAM skills with Sentillion, Centrify, OneLogin, Omada and MicroFocus.

You can connect with Chris on LinkedIn.