This past week, Karen was down for the count with a stomach bug.  As a result, Kevin pulled double duty with the kids so Karen could just be sick.  For this reason, we had completed zero preparation for the show, but we are committed to (not just interested in) releasing something every week, so we hit record and went with it. Our conversation took a few twists and turns, but we ended up having what we thought was an important and meaningful discussion about an autoimmune disorder that our family is about to start dealing with.  Yes, this podcast has "real estate" in the title, but not every episode has to be about real estate.  This podcast is also about the people behind the microphones and our real, actual lives. We hope you enjoy and can connect with us as we share our challenges with you.  Don't worry, it's not all heady content, we also discuss our upcoming plans to return to the Houston Roller Derby and our kid's participation in her swim team.