Some information about software testing is just wrong.
I'm not talking about opinions. I have lots of opinions and they differ from other peoples opinions. I'm talking about misinformation and old information that is no longer applicable.
I've ran across a few lateley that I want to address.
All of the following are wrong:
Integrated tests can't work. I can prove it with wacky math.
Tests have to be blazing fast or they won't get run.
TDD is about design, not about testing.
This episode discusses why these are wrong.

Some information about software testing is just wrong.

I'm not talking about opinions. I have lots of opinions and they differ from other peoples opinions. I'm talking about misinformation and old information that is no longer applicable.

I've ran across a few lateley that I want to address.

All of the following are wrong:

Integrated tests can't work. I can prove it with wacky math.
Tests have to be blazing fast or they won't get run.
TDD is about design, not about testing.

This episode discusses why these are wrong.

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