Hello and welcome back to the tes news podcast.

There is plenty to discuss this week, with a new look (or not so new look) DfE team leading the headlines.

Reporter John Roberts joins us to break down what we can expect from Gillian Keegan, Nick Gibb and Robert Halfon.

And senior editor Dan Worth is back to cover practically everything else in a whistle-stop tour of our features stories this week!

Everything mentioned in this week's episode is available to read in full on our website:

Gillian Keegan appointed as new education secretary‘We can’t face another round of cuts,’ new DfE ministers toldGibb and Halfon appointed as DfE ministersKeegan, Gibb and Halfon: what education can expectWhy does the DfE think we need fewer maths teachers?Labour’s Skills Report: The good, the bad and the confusingSats: How to fix Year 6 writing moderationSchool funding crisis: ‘The mood among leaders is desolate’More money not a fix for ‘drastically overworked’ teachersWhy wellbeing inspections are stressing out private schools