Welcome back to the tes news podcast. This week Senior content writer Grainne Hallahan is joined by reporter Matilda Martine as they discuss the future of digital assessment and why there is a shortage of invigilators.

This week's headline stories are available below:

NEU attacks ‘new and unusual’ DfE stance on pay talks

The NEU teaching union went ahead with a two day teacher strike this week and said that 300,000 members were taking part. It also strongly criticised the DfE for meeting with the other main education unions this week but refusing to meet the NEU unless it called off the strike.




Workload is unmanageable, say most school staff

More than two-thirds of school staff (68 per cent) think their workload is unmanageable, according to an annual survey conducted by Tes.

The findings were revealed this week in the Tes Schools Wellbeing Report survey of 5,858 UK-based school staff.


Oak National Academy: Ofsted to advise subject groups

Ofsted subject lead inspectors will work as advisers on Oak National Academy’s expert groups, it has been announced today. But Oak has said the Ofsted advisers will not have a formal role in defining or recommending its curriculum.


DfE seeks ‘outstanding’ leader to be next Ofsted chief

On the subject of Ofsted, the government has formally launched the search for the next chief inspector to replace Amanda Spielman. A job advert for the next HMCI has been published revealing a drop in salary from the £189k paid to Ms Spielman to £165,000 for her successor


Budget 2023: All primaries to provide ‘wraparound’ care

The chancellor Jeremy Hunt set out an “ambition” that the parents of all primary-age children will be provided with “wraparound” childcare in school by September 2026.

The Treasury told Tes that funding to local authorities and schools would taper off by 2026  when it expects most schools will be able to deliver the provision self-sufficiently, funded by charging parents.
