Leadership interviews are vital when it comes to building a strong staff body.
Not only are they an opportunity to really discover if a candidate lives up to the expectations set by their application, it’s also a chance for the candidate to assess their potential employer.
For that reason, rushing things on the day or not fully putting prospective staff through their paces can have detrimental effects.
So what can schools do to make sure the day, or days, go as smoothly and effectively as possible?
To find out our recruitment editor spoke to a couple of experienced UK leaders. Jo Facer is principal at Ark John Keats Academy in Enfield and David Thomas is principal at Jane Austen College in Norwich. In this podcast they discuss what they think makes an effective leadership interview.
For more on this topic join deputy CEO at the David Ross Educational Trust, Mark Neild, as he explains how to ensure your leadership recruitment process is as robust as possible in this free Knowledge Share webinar: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/92452844158802446?source=podcast (How to recruit your next senior leader).

Leadership interviews are vital when it comes to building a strong staff body.

Not only are they an opportunity to really discover if a candidate lives up to the expectations set by their application, it’s also a chance for the candidate to assess their potential employer.

For that reason, rushing things on the day or not fully putting prospective staff through their paces can have detrimental effects.

So what can schools do to make sure the day, or days, go as smoothly and effectively as possible?

To find out our recruitment editor spoke to a couple of experienced UK leaders. Jo Facer is principal at Ark John Keats Academy in Enfield and David Thomas is principal at Jane Austen College in Norwich. In this podcast they discuss what they think makes an effective leadership interview.

For more on this topic join deputy CEO at the David Ross Educational Trust, Mark Neild, as he explains how to ensure your leadership recruitment process is as robust as possible in this free Knowledge Share webinar: How to recruit your next senior leader.