Minister White, the smirking, climate-denying politician who delights in turning back refugee boats and frequently interrupts this intelligent woman to brush her concerns off without a second thought, is totally not based on anybody in Australian politics today (so please don't sue me).

But if you want to chat about it, you can hit up the Talking Fiction Discord Server, or head over to the Terry Talks Fiction Facebook Page

And if you're interested in signing up to the email list (it's free, by the way), you can get a copy of this story sent to you in PDF and ePub format, along with the reflection on how the story was built (and the problems I ran into while making it - not all solved, as you might have noticed).

And finally, if you liked the story (or the podcast in general) please consider leaving a rating and review on iTunes so the podcast audience can continue to grow! Appreciate it heaps :-)

Talk soon.

Intro/outro music for this episode is 'Elevators Need Rock Too' by Spence, courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.