What do you get when you have a bunch of GenreCon Presenters clustered at a table in fancy dress? An incredible anthology of fifteen mesmerising, spooky stories! Here's what I thought of 'Lighthouse: An Anthology'

And what a bunch of talent was involved in bringing the anthology together! Besides Bianca Millroy, the editor, contributors included Kat Carr, Carleton Chinner, Jo Edgar-Baker, Sophia Evans, Kylie Fennell, Chris Foley, Kelly Lyonns, Alyssa MacKay, Brooke Maggs, Anna McEvoy, Bianca Millroy, Lea Scott, Sharyn Swanepoel, Lane Thornton and Jodie Woodward.

Which is your favourite story of the collection (yes, you can answer this if you're one of the authors ;-P)? Let me know over on the Discord server, Facebook Page, Twitter or by email (terrytalksfiction[at]gmail.com). And if you want to get some free stories of your own, check out the Terry Talks Fiction Website or sign up to the mailing list to get new stories emailed to you every month (and the entire back catalogue for the year, to boot!)

Lastly, if you enjoyed the podcast please consider rating/reviewing it on iTunes or wherever you rate your podcasts: every bit of feedback helps the show's visibility and means the world to me.

Intro/outro music for this episode is 'Elevators Need Rock Too' by Spence, courtesy of the YouTube Audio Library.

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