Today I am speaking with Jonathan Lacoste, General Partner at SpaceVC, a venture capital firm investing in space companies.

I was keen on getting Jonathan on the podcast because he has quite an interesting story. In 2011, he co-founded Jebbit, an enterprise software company, built it and scaled it into a multi-million dollar businesses. Following that, he decided to get into the space industry as an investor.

In this episode, we discuss the journey of his transition into space tech, his thoughts on state of the space industry, venture capital and space, learnings from enterprise software that are relevant for space tech and more.


00:56: Jonathan's journey

06:35: Transitioning from enterprise software to space

12:25: How to navigate the way into space tech

17:25: State of investing in space tech

22:24: Thesis for SpaceVC and the "due diligence" process

28:52: Earth observation 2.0 and transferable learnings from enterprise software

33:23: Markets that Jonathan as a VC is not very optimistic about

35:03: Why "outsourcing of space" will be the next big thing in space tech

38:35: Worries about the state of the space industry

42:30: Wrap-up
