This week I am going to tell you a story that

illustrates the practical use of The Law of

Attraction. I think that too often, people think of

The Law of Attraction as something involved in

attracting their big goals or dreams to them. My

belief is that The Law of Attraction works best when

you focus on the little things and create the vision

of moving forward toward the desired results with

everything you do. It is the daily steps that

result in movement toward and manifestation of the

life you would love to be living. Once you are a

true believer that there really is relevance in your

thoughts and beliefs and a correlation with what

surrounds you in real life, then it becomes easier

to focus on the end result and the way it will feel

when you get there. But until then, use it with the

little things and build up confidence.

Here is my example.

I decided to get an elliptical trainer for my

combination Christmas/birthday present and give

myself the gift of physical fitness in 2008. It's

become obvious to me as I attempt to zip my jeans

that I need to make some changes.