Continued from last time…

As time went on and the driver didn't arrive as

scheduled, I found myself involved in some negative

self talk. My day was being messed up because other

people couldn't live up to what they had committed

to. Then I caught myself visualizing how I would

let the driver know about it.

I stopped myself again and used the techniques I

practice to calm down and stop the negativity. I

created a feeling of love in my heart and brought

back in the visual image of doing my work out,

feeling a sense of accomplishment and gratitude that

it had all worked out so well. I thought of all of

the cool little things that seem to happen when I

have my head screwed on right-which allows me to

focus on the end result with gratitude. With a

sense of wonder and awe I considered that the

solution could come because a friend stopped by or a

car could drive by with a couple of the strong young

guys from down the street that would love to make

some extra money getting the box up my porch stairs.

It felt exciting knowing it was all about to work

out somehow.