Previous Episode: A Leap of Faith

I will be the first to say that "life happens" at

times. The important thing is flowing with it and

staying in balance.

And so I will have to admit that a lot of life has

been happening for me lately. What that means is

that I have fallen behind in a few things that are

important to me, like keeping up with my blog

postings and podcasts.

I love to push myself by constantly creating visions

of life as I would like to know it in reality. And

because I do that, many new opportunities for growth

happen both in my personal life and in my business.

I was in the middle of some exciting things I have

been working on when there arose a need to focus on

my family for a bit.

I found that I wasn't feeling good about anything I

was attempting to do as I was spreading myself too

thin and not accomplishing my goals in any of the

areas where I was focusing.

That is the time to step back, assess priorities and

let some things go for at least a bit. My personality

doesn't like that but I am happy to say that I have

grown to a place where I am at least able to do it

without feeling guilt and anxiety over it.

I keep running across so much good information that I

would like to share, so that makes it tougher to be

away. I will continue to put it in a folder for now,

knowing that I will be back soon.