This week I have a story from someone who would like to

inspire other women to have faith and do something to get

out of situations that don't allow them to live up to their

potential. Here is some of what she had to say.

"Teri, Thank you for the opportunity to share my story. I

recently divorced in April 2007 from a very bad marriage. I

was living in the Bahamas and not earning much money when I

decided to move back to the States. I put my request out to the

God of the Universe (The Source of all things). I requested that

I have enough money to acquire a townhouse as well as a new

vehicle without having to depend on relatives. I originally had

planned on leaving the Bahamas in Sept 2006 but my source urged

me to stay until there was no resistance within my spirit. Thank

God I stayed until April 2007. I was awarded a bonus from my job

as well as stock options I cashed in which I was not aware of in

April 2007. If I had left in Sept.2006 I truly would have had to

depend on relatives. I moved back to the states Jun.2007 and I

have a brand new condo and a brand new 2007 vehicle..."