Susan, your host, welcomes Danielle McCombs to today’s episode. Danielle believes that everyone is naturally creative, resourceful, and whole. External expectations that are put upon us by society and others can dim the light within us. The world needs everyone to show up as the truest version of themselves. As a coach, Danielle holds space for her clients to explore themselves and how they show up in the world. By following curiosity and intuition, she guides clients to live a life with intention.


Danielle McCombs is a growth-minded individual who is constantly striving to improve herself

and deepen the understanding of the world around her. After a 20-year career in commercial real estate, Danielle decided to pursue her passion of inspiring others to be the best version of themselves. Danielle is a Co-Active Professional Certified Coach and has started her own Life Coaching practice, Danielle McCombs Coaching. Danielle hosts the podcast The Opposite of Small Talk with her friend Kristy Olinger, where they explore topics about personal and professional development, focusing on connection, reflection, and social justice.


Key Takeaways:

Danielle shares how she realized she needed to change her career path.

Susan shares the benefits of coaching.

Coaching and therapy are two resources that are useful for receiving together.

It takes a long time to let go of the pain and the victim's role to begin changing.

First, you need to identify where you are stuck at. Then, find out what you have control over.

Take small steps.

Journaling is of great help; write down what you achieve every day. Small wins have immense value, and that is how you move forward.

Be intentional: How do you want to feel by the end of the week?

Comparison is the worst you can do for yourself.

If you support someone grieving, don’t take their actions personally and have no expectations.

Nothing will be the same while you grow; embrace change while you move forward; you are allowed to grieve what is left behind.

Making choices is never easy, but we can decide the meaning of the events in our lives and how we want to move forward.

We are all on a journey; different things will happen at other times, some good and some bad. Give yourself grace and try not to worry about what everyone else is thinking; connect to yourself and find how you want to move forward.



Email Susan: [email protected]

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