Welcome to the podcast featuring Ioanna Serpanos, a distinguished medium and mentor celebrated for her profound insights into mediumship and spiritual development. Drawing from her background in engineering, Ioanna seamlessly integrates her analytical prowess with her innate psychic abilities, guiding individuals towards lives filled with passion and purpose.

Ioanna's exceptional talents have garnered international recognition, including the prestigious CSNU award from the Spiritualist SNU, acknowledging her exceptional mediumship demonstrations and speaking skills. As the author of "Giving Spirit A Voice - the mechanics of mediumship" and "Giving Spirit A Voice - Mediumship Journal," she shares practical wisdom and grounded spirituality with students across the globe.

Additionally, Ioanna has pioneered the Ignition Member Community, offering students access to her expertise through self-paced online learning platforms for all levels of mediumship. Beyond her written works and mentorship, Ioanna is a devoted mother to her brilliant daughter and cherished fur baby, Buddy. Her unwavering commitment to spiritual growth and healing radiates through every facet of her life. Join us as we delve into Ioanna's journey and glean insights into the transformative power of mediumship and spiritual development.

Episode Highlights

·       Mediumship Development

·       Spiritual Growth

·       Psychic Abilities

·       Self-Paced Online Learning

·       Practical Wisdom

·       Grounded Spirituality

·       CSNU Award

·       Spiritualist SNU

·       Mentorship Programs

·       Personal Transformation

·       Mindfulness and Meditation

·       Self-Discovery and Inner Healing

·       Wellness and Well-being

·       Spirituality in Modern Life

·       Holistic Living

·       Empowerment and Self-Realization

·       Mental Wellness Awareness

·       Consciousness and Awakening

·       Personal Growth and Development

·       Alternative Healing Practices


More About Ioanna Serpanos


Her book link is http://amzn.to/35BZy10


Giving Spirit A Voice Mediumship Journal


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