Susan, your host, welcomes David Price to today’s conversation. David is a life coach who got into life coaching because of his own personal transformation. He was able to achieve so much in his own life; for most of his life, he was completely miserable, sad, angry, and frustrated. He felt like a complete failure in every way, but when he began to learn and practice the things he now teaches and trains:  personal responsibility, the power of thoughts and words, life design and creation, and goal setting and achievement, his life became joyous abundant, and prosperous. He's been blessed to teach and train hundreds of men and women on how to do the same.


Key Takeaways:

David shares his grief story that began when his father died when he was a very young age.

There are thoughts and beliefs we have that just don’t serve us 

David talks about the power of reframing and refocusing.

Surround yourself with the right people; family isn’t everything. Remember, you chose the energy around you. 

Are you going to live your life according to other people's expectations, or will you design and create the life you want? That is your choice.

You can learn things the easy way or the hard way.

You don’t need to know all the ‘hows’, plan, set goals, choose to live an intentional life.

Don’t pressure yourself; allow yourself to process and not judge your grieving process.

Most of the time, you don’t have to say anything to grieving people; just sit with them silently, listen if they want to talk, and be there for them.

We often take more negativity than we realize (TV, music, anything), and choosing positive input can make all the difference.

If it doesn’t feel good, don’t do it.

Bad things happen to all of us, and really bad things happen to some of us.

What do I really want to do with my life?

Be kind to yourself; it helps more than you think.

No situation is hopeless; it is worth getting up in the morning and trying it again over and over again.

Perseverance is the ultimate tool to take you where you want to go.



Email Susan: [email protected]

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Meet David Price

Take Back Your Life