The seed of a dream is often planted in childhood. Today, my guest and son, Madison Brooks, shares the story of how his dream began, but in his tale, we discover important keys for unlocking a dream. You don’t want to miss the thought-provoking questions that came out of this interview.

People have debated over nature versus nurture for decades. I posed that question to Madison, and found his insights not only interesting, but spot on.

Madison’s dream is connected to technology—he’s a near genius when it comes to electronics. But he may not have realized he had the gift, if he’d been shut down early in life, and it could easily have happened. 

He wasn’t supposed to go into his grandfather’s computer room, it was off-limits to the kids. There were soldering irons, computer boards, chips, and various tools that could have either hurt a child or that a child could have damaged. And this was before computer prices came down, so one broken piece could have cost hundreds or thousands of dollars to replace. But one day, Madison did the unthinkable, he snuck into the computer room—and immediately got caught by his grandfather.

However, instead of yelling or screaming or punishing, his grandfather saw Madison was simply curious, and invited him to sit down and began to teach him some basic skills. Their shared fascination with everything electronic bonded them together, so that every time Madison was at his grandparent’s house, the two would squirrel away in the computer room, tinkering for hours.

Madison believes tending our dreams requires a blend of nature versus nurture, and I agree. His interest in electronics was wired into him. But had his grandfather yelled, shutting down Madison’s fascination with computers, he might never have approached them again, at least not with the passion and enthusiasm he has today. If we as his parents hadn’t encouraged his giftings, he might not have explored and progressed in pursuing his talents, meaning he wouldn’t have the ability to share his dreams with others, making their lives easier.

One thing every dream tender needs to hear and let resonate in their soul—we need more positivity in the world, and your dreams can affect others in positive ways. If you don’t make your dreams come true and maintain them once you do, the rest of us miss out. 

If your dreams were not encouraged in your childhood, you can encourage yourself. When your nature is not nurtured, a dream is destined to die. It’s not only okay to nurture your own dreams and spirit, but it’s often necessary.


Filling Needs:

What did you explore as a child only to have an adult scare you away from it?  Who encouraged your dreams when you were growing up? When did you know you had a particular curiosity or fascination in areas connected to your dreams?

Keys to unlocking our dreams are often hidden in our childhoods.


This episode’s Dream Tending Tips:

Reflect on your life—was there a time when your childhood curiosity was shut down? If so, you as an adult can start exploring and pursuing today, refusing to let anyone stop you as you pursue your dreams.    Remember, as an adult, only you can stop you from dreaming.  It’s never too late for a fresh start with fresh faith—dare to pick up your dream and begin again. What are your interests that differ from those of others? This provides a hint that can lead you toward your dream—that thing you were made to do. Don’t let challenges and failures defeat you—expect them—then learn from your challenges and failures and keep moving forward.  If you don’t start working toward your dreams now, your somedays will run out and you will never know how much you could have succeeded.  Follow what comes naturally to you—when you enjoy what you do it isn’t work—whether you do so as part of a team collaborating with others or whether you do so as an entrepreneur.  When life feels heavy and fear threatens to drive you to quit, remember, this is not a forever situation, though it likely feels like it. Be your own greatest cheerleader and encourager, because with tenacity, your dream will see brighter days. 

Find out more about Madison Brooks and discover the amazing technology services he offers at If need a website for your dream he can help. Or if you’d like to improve your efficiency and effectiveness in making your dreams come true through his customized project management system—you can accomplish everything from one central location! It’s an unbelievable time and money saver! 

Don’t forget to grab the special eBook pricing I have just for you. 

Type in the code TYDeb50 to get your copy of 4x4 Habit Overhaul, or One Minute Intervals™: Sixty Seconds to a Healthier, Foodier You, or Depression Busters, at over half off the normal price. Purchase a book bundle using the same code, and save even more 

But ACT NOW, before this special eBook discount offer is gone. 

Until next time, remember, your dreams are waiting for you to grab and tend: 

Take courage. 

Excel daily. 

Never stop believing. 

Dare to dream bigger.


Host Anita Agers Brooks can be found on various social media platforms, and you can discover additional dream tending tips at