When it comes to pursuing your dreams, do you ever feel like you’re behind the gate? A few years into my own dream tending quest, I felt like a thoroughbred racer, snorting and stomping, stuck behind a gate, with the track I wanted to run on, in view in front of me. 

Intrigued by the metaphor that came to my mind, I decided to research thoroughbred racing. I ran across a fascinating book first published in 1953, and written by Preston M. Burch and Alex Bower. I learned some very interesting things that connected directly to tending your dreams, no matter what track lies ahead of you. 

Regardless of how you were conceived, or what happened in your background, even difficulties, challenges, and adversities are part of the unique offerings you bring to the world. You were made for an abundant purpose, but the timing for its release can be a deciding factor in whether you succeed or fail.


Filling Needs: 

Do you believe you are set apart before birth to achieve your dreams? Are you willing to follow long enough to learn and practice thoroughly, so you can succeed? Do you allow the occasional pull on the bit or crack of the whip to teach you, or do you fight against wise leadership?

Those who buck against necessary teaching are destined to fall behind, or never learn how to run, once a gate lifts.


This episode’s Dream Planting Tips: 

Remember, you cannot pull ahead until you have learned to follow behind great influencers. Quietly follow, learn, and practice, often over and over, until your skills become second nature.  Expect to circle back to places you’ve been, as you practice and hone your craft. The necessity of going round and round circumstances strengthens you.  You are meant to fulfill a unique purpose.   Don’t let your enthusiasm smother your ability to listen well.  Pressure provides strength and beauty that enhances our dream tending efforts. Listen to that inner voice providing a gentle pressure telling you there is danger ahead, or leading you a different direction.  Look back and think about how much you’ve progressed so far.  Dedicate yourself to getting back up and dusting yourself when you fall, or going back and forth around the circle eight, or patiently waiting behind the gate, until you are strong enough to achieve the dreams you desire.  Temporary restraints or not there to hinder or hurt, but exist to protect and progress you toward your dreams and benefitting others. Don’t get ahead of yourself and the knowledge and wisdom you need to succeed—otherwise, you will hurt yourself and others. If you started at the top, you would soon fall to the bottom.  Equip yourself to be what you are meant to be and to do what you are meant to do.  Run in such a way that you win, and then be willing to begin again, as the next race approaches. You were made to be a winner! Grab the Tending Your Dreams’ free giveaways and discounts from every episode. Go to tendyourdreams.com/freebie9 for your gift, just for tuning in. Don’t forget our product discount—20% off on all autographed books. Enter the coupon code TYD20 to snatch your deal.


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