Whose path will you intersect with that you are supposed to influence? All of us meet people, but have you considered your opportunities for making a lasting impact? Part of tending almost any dream is influencing the influencers, when you can.

I’ve been blessed to meet several famous, rich, and powerful people, but I’ve found if you treat them with the same dignity and respect you treat other people with, no more or no less, they respond. This is the frame of mind I had when I first met Troy Gentry of Montgomery Gentry country music fame. Of course, this didn’t stop me from embarrassing myself, initially.

But I was still surprised, when after spending only a few minutes together at our first introduction, he asked to speak with me privately. Troy Gentry had just come off a big New York tour, including several TV interviews on the big networks, as well as concerts in very large venues—but he had something even bigger on his mind.

Troy and I started by sharing a little about our families, in an appropriate way. One of the things I most appreciated from the start of our conversation, was the way he spoke of his wife, behind her back. Sadly, his public appreciation is a rare thing among spouses today. I, in turn, told him about my amazing husband and marriage, (after going through some really rough bouts.)

Integrity matters—in all you do. Carefully tend your faith and your family, and tending your dreams will become more meaningful.


Filling Needs:

Are you putting God and family first—knowing your dreams will only thrive if they are priority? Are you confident in what God’s purpose is for you? Are you investing as much into your relationships as you are your endeavors?

Don’t discount the power of spiritual moments to help ensure you are tending the right dreams.


This episode’s Dream Planting Tips:

If you are a person of faith, you don’t have to shove it down people’s throats, but neither should you hide that it’s a part of who you are. True faith is a positive influence for those who feel dissatisfied. If you need to respectfully agree to disagree with someone, that’s fine, but continue to appreciate them as a human being. You don’t know when your life will end, so grab every moment as if it were your last, and don’t miss a single opportunity to tend your dreams while you can. Act on what you are meant to do with your life. Follow through when you are given words of wisdom from people who have succeeded before you, people whose lives reflect what you would like to have more of in yours. Be an influencing factor for every person you interact with, whenever possible. Think about the potential impact you are making on others. Choose integrity—at all times. Do the same thing whether you believe anyone else can see or hear you or not. You were created on purpose, with purpose, in order to fulfill an abundant purpose, live like it. Grab the Tending Your Dreams’ free giveaways and discounts from every episode. Go to tendyourdreams.com/freebie8 for your gift, just for tuning in. Don’t forget our product discount—20% off on all autographed books. Enter the coupon code TYD20 to snatch your deal.

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