Hey, why are so many guys online getting mad about neo gothic architecture? Why are they dreaming about having a 'tradwife' to feed them snacks while they keep losing money in cryptocurrency? 

This week, we're joined by good friend of the pod Eleanor Janega (@goingmedieval), a Writer and Medieval Historian who runs the blog "Going Medieval", which explores what the Middle Ages were *actually* like, rather than what gamers believe it should be.

We talk about what it means to be 'Trad' online, and how disillusionment with capitalism and modernity, along with alienation on the internet, had led to the emergence of weird Tradposting, which manifests through things like online phrenology, misunderstandings of history to 'own' someone in a debate, and new age life advice such as substituting water for eggs. You should not do this!
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Ten Thousand Posts is a show about how everything is posting. It's hosted by Hussein (@HKesvani), Phoebe (@PRHRoy) and produced by Drew (@Drewtopia_). You can follow us on Twitter at @10kpostspod. 

You can also subscribe to bonus episodes on Patreon, for as little as $5 a month. If you sign up for $10 or more, Hussein will write you a letter/series of hand written tweets (at least until his surplus of stamps runs out). Subscribe to us at www.patreon.com/10kpostspodcast