Did you know that cops aren't good? On this week's bonus episode, we're joined by Katie Way (@k80way) to talk about her newsletter All Cops Are Posters, which documents all the bizarre posts cops in the US are posting to express their endless victimhood complex - despite causing the vast majority of their own problems. We also talk about the story that led to 'Mommy Milky' trending, and why so many people get mad at anyone if they have a blue checkmark. Hussein will be selling his once he's figured out how to put it on the blockchain.

This is a preview episode. For the full episode, subscribe to the Ten Thousand Posts Patreon for $5 a month. You can subscribe at: www.patreon.com/10kpostspodcast.

Ten Thousand Posts is hosted by Hussein (@HKesvani), Phoebe (@Prhroy) and produced by Drew (@Drewtopia_). You can follow us on Twitter at @10kpostspod


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