- Create answers to these five questions before you promote any opportunity or affiliate link online.

When you present the answers, you'll have more leads, more buyers, and HIGHER conversions than you've EVER seen in your life.

Step 2: If you need a "non-techie" funnel for you business that's ready to go and easy to edit, click my share code here:

This will turn on your funnel immediately, and it's already hosted and ready-to-go.

Email me: kit (at) if you need any "wakthroughs" created for that funnel (after you signup and get setup).

Thanks for listening. If you got value from s2ep009: The 5 Most Important Questions to Answer Before Promoting Your Opportunity then please subscribe, give me a like & leave me a comment with any feedback.

Share and Conquer,
Kit Elliott
The Unfair Advantage

FREE BOOK: How to Make Money & Setup an Online Business. These are the secrets: