Lorin is a pioneer in developing personalized meditation practices, designing the techniques around an individual’s inner nature. He is the founder of two related meditation systems: The Radiance Sutras, which utilizes the richness of the Sanskrit language and is oriented toward the yoga community, and Instinctive Meditation, an approach that uses common sense language and is designed to match one's individual nature.

Lorin has a PhD from the University of California, Irvine, where he has done extensive research on meditation and meditative experiences. His books on meditation are treasured by meditation practitioners across the globe and have been widely recognized as a "must-read".

Lorin Roche leads international meditation retreats and workshops, and trains meditation teachers in a 2-year meditation teacher training. Lorin lives in Marina del Rey, California with his yogini shaktini wife, Camille Maurine.

Dr. Roche also teaches and consults worldwide with individuals (private coaching), businesses, and universities to create custom meditation programs that suit their needs and cultures.



***Learn more about their meditation teacher training:  meditationtt.com


*****Pledge your interest in the upcoming East Forest Ceremony Concert events this Spring 2021.  More info and join us at eastforest.org/tour


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Check out the East Forest x Ram Dass album on (Spotify & Apple) + East Forest's Music For Mushrooms: A Soundtrack For The Psychedelic Practitioner 5hr album (Spotify & Apple).


*****Please rate Ten Laws w/East Forest on iTunes.  It helps us get the guests you want to hear. 


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