~ Vocal Empowerment Instructor

~ Codependency, Empath & HSP Coaching

~ Body Intuitive

~ Dream Interpretation

~ Reiki (Distance and local)

Terra Bundance began singing, acting and working backstage in early childhood and became a professional singer and stage performer in her late teens. She started teaching voice lessons and performance coaching before she graduated college with degrees in both Theater and Music.

Terra taught music classes and private voice lessons and performed in a professional band for several years while also studying health, wellness, energy, and natural healing. Her studies included Chinese medicine, natural food/nutrition, veterinary medicine, personal coaching and she became certified in EFT, Touch for Health, Reiki, Sound Healing and Laughter Yoga.

In her late 20's, Terra began her own journey through personal and group therapy, AlAnon, and CoDa, and began applying everything she learned to her vocal coaching clientele. She has created a 4 step vocal empowerment training modality, and now works with anyone who desires to strengthen their voice, confidence, and self-empowerment.

Terra has been aware of her Empath, HSP and psychic gifts including her ability to hear (clairaudient) and sense (clairvoyant) subtle energies and vibrations since age 7, and she applies those gifts to everything she does.

Terra now leads workshops, classes, and groups and does one on one coaching sessions. She has written a book to support people through transformation and change The Butterfly Process- Tools for Transformation and is presently working on her first Oracle Deck and vegan cook book, with more books on the horizon.