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Tucson, Arizona, United States
(520) 975-2275

Hapi Hara
“Hapi” is the ancient pre-dynastic name for the Nile River. The name later came to represent Hapi, the god of the Nile, who represented the source of life for the Egyptians and other civilizations deep in Africa. Like its namesake, Hapi Hara feels she has been called to help others find their own inner essence or source. Hapi has had a lifelong interest in religion, spirituality, and mysticism across cultures. Her professional studies include an undergraduate degree in the behavioral sciences, a doctoral candidacy in psychology, and additional studies in the Enneagram, Reiki, and crystal energy. She has collected crystals and gemstones from a young age and understands them both mineralogically and energetically effectively synthesizing their properties through the sciences of chemistry and crystallography with their subtle energetic properties. Not only is she experienced with stones and crystals at the mineralogical level, she has also traveled to many sacred earth locations including mountain peaks, vortexes, volcanoes, canyons, ley lines, and megalithic stone sites such as Stonehenge and Carnac. Tapping into the ancient alchemical practice of crystal astrology, she identifies crystals that strategically heal, balance, and empower points in a person’s horoscope. To book a consultation, Contact Us.
Johndennis Rang Dang Namkha Govert

Johndennis Govert is a yogi and guru of the profound path of spiritual liberation. He holds the lineage of three dharma traditions as a transmitted Zen Roshi in the Soto Zen line of Matsuoka Zengaku Roshi, as an ordained Kriya Swami in the Kriya line of Goswami Kriyananda, and as an ordained Nyingma Lama in the Tibetan Vajrayana line of Master Boma Meitza Quan. Johndennis is also a practitioner of several mystic arts, called Dao or Ways, that are parallel paths and supports of spiritual development. He practices Zen gardens and Shodo calligraphy with art examples displayed on his website www.johndennisgovert.com. He teaches and consults in feng shui design and is author of Feng Shui: Art and Harmony of Place (1993) and REALty Feng Shui (2018). Johndennis has been involved in a number of Traditional Chinese Medicine colleges and is a practitioner of Qi Healing systems. He continues as a teacher and consultant in Chinese and Western astrology for over 40 years having most recently been a staff consultant at Canyon Ranch in Tucson, Arizona. Johndennis offers consultations in Western astrology, Chinese astrology, feng shui, astrocartography, and other specialized services. To book a consultation or to find out more information, Contact Us.

Sacred Intention
Across cultures, the monthly new moon and full moon are considered sacred days. The new moon occurs when the feminine energy of the moon aligns with the masculine energy of the sun. This is a sacred alchemical alignment of lunar and solar energies and allows for the planting of seeds in our life...sacred intentions and spiritual awakening. The full moon occurs when the sun and moon are opposing each other causing tension and balance creating a way for us to manifest our intention.

The new moon and full moon cycles of the month represent times to increase the meditation of our intentions and spiritual practice. Working with crystals helps to intensify, purify, and activate our intentions.

Each month, we provide dates for the new moon, full moon, eclipses, and other significant planetary events including information about crystals that are helpful in working with these sacred alignments that potently influence our lives. Learn more about crystal astrology in our blog. See our Astrology Calendar of upcoming new and full moon dates.