Plug: Wellness Advocate, Teacher, Healer, Artist, and Spiritual Coach
Quiz - attached.

*What makes a healthy home?
*What best for clean floors: Wood, tile, carpet, a mixture?
*Tips to clean up a toxic lifestyle

Your lifestyle, health, wellness and happiness can be improved by removing toxins from your home, diet, lifestyle and personal care routines.

By becoming aware of the toxins that are present in our life can improve: sleep, attitude, inflammation, longevity, youthfulness, fitness and happiness. Not to mention eliminate aliments you may presently have.

We will look at materials in your home: floors, walls, and furniture.
We will look at the water you not only drink but bath with.
We will consider the food you eat and purchase for meal making as well as how you store it.
What products you use on your body for personal care will also play a great part in your aging process.

EMFs and how to reduce them as well as air quality will be looked at.

While our physical environment challenges go on from “fragrance” to cleansing products and household maintenance, how we see it is also important.

Most importantly, mindfulness, meditation and how we choose to live in our vehicles “human bodies” and on “earth” our home will determine how sensitive we are to becoming aware of these toxins that may be present or around us.


Sandra Bolognia

Sandra Bolognia is a wellness advocate, teacher, healer, artist, and spiritual coach. She finds joy guiding others in the process of self healing. Sandra is considered by many as a Renaissance Woman! She shares her wholistic methods: from her healing jewelry line to energy medicine, essential oils and the importance of incorporating lifestyle changes for your overall well being to people all over the world.

While her formal degrees were in educational psychology, Sandra's talents were in the arts. One of her greatest adventures was relocating to South Florida where she stepped into the demand as a computer science teacher. She then became a pioneer in developing computer science curriculum for the Palm Beach County Schools and the State of Florida. After a serious fall in her classroom, she broke three vertebrae that led her to drastically change her life from modern medicine to natural medicine. She knows how to perceive the needs and abilities of her audience and speak to them on their level.