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All About Numbers:

Attract Luck, Abundance, and Joy Based on Your Numbers

By Jesse Kalsi

Jesse Kalsi's ASTRONUMEROLOGY Extends Far Beyond Traditional Number Analysis

Awareness of The Numbers Related to Your Name, Planets, Address, Birthdate, Bank Account, Car, Cell Phone, Transactions, Relationships, Health, Pets and More Will Influence Your Future

A Simple Way to Transform Misfortune into Fortune!

No doubt you've heard about numerology, the study of the influence of numbers on your life and destiny. But chances are you've never heard about ASTRONUMEROLOGY!

That is because it's the discovery of Jesse Kalsi, a world-renowned counselor sought out by Hollywood and Bollywood stars, Silicon Valley billionaires, real estate moguls, entertainment companies and people just like you. Jesse has discovered the inter-connection between the planets and numbers. You could make certain assumptions about your optimum numbers that can be counter-influenced by a planet that isn't in alignment with the numbers you thought were favorable.

But that's not all! Jesse can predict positive or negative outcomes based on the numbers of your home address, your bank account, your cell phone number, the car you drive, the colors you wear, the partners you align with, the people--including lovers--in your sphere, the investments you make, the months of the year that are favorable to you personally, the pet you own and a host of other factors--based on YOUR numbers and how they match or conflict with these other elements in your life!

And as a highly successful real estate professional for many years, he applies all of this to a form of home or property analysis that brings to bear numbers with the Vedic tradition of balancing the five elements of water, fire, air, earth and space.

So if something isn't working in your life, your numbers may tell the story! Including the numbers represented by the individual planets that are connected to you. Further, Jesse says there are "heavy numbers" that will stop you--or anyone else--in their tracks-numbers to be avoided at all costs! On the contrary, there are VERY lucky numbers, too!

So what if you have a street address that is bringing unhappiness, heartache, illness or financial distress-and you are not ready to up and move? Jesse is famous for inventing the address "patch," a slight change directed by the numbers that will transform misfortune into fortune!

So if you want to get up to speed on YOUR numbers and how to adapt, enhance or mitigate their influence in your life, Jesse has given you the tools in his new book, All About Numbers: Attract Luck, Abundance and Joy Based on Your Numbers!

This fascinating book uses case histories of his clients who have followed--or not followed--his advice, along with profiles of famous figures to illustrate what the numbers say or predict about them. Not the least of which is a look at many of the inhabitants of the White House in the last several decades.

Jesse points out that the White House address 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is not ideal for harmony, but that the address works much better for some presidents (Obama) vs. others (Nixon)! He says a simple change of address to 1900 Pennsylvania Ave. might give this country a much smoother ride!

An interview with Jesse Kalsi will also reveal:

Why your pet might not be your ideal companion
Why your car is a lemon even if it worked great for someone else!
How you can determine what are your lucky months or colors
Why hotel room numbers should be checked before you sign the register
How your bank account numbers can spring a leak in your money account- or how not picking the bank that matches your numbers will limit your wealth
How social security numbers could put you on the wrong path almost from the beginning of your life.