Hi, I am Teri Petz, co-founder of “Tell It Like It Is Poets”. You may have read my poetry or heard me read poems. You may have met me on poetry pages on the web. If you don’t know me let me tell you: I LOVE poetry and I am involved in a few poetry related projects. One of these projects is “Tell It Like It Is Poets”. I started it with my friend and fellow poet, Cat Charissage. Cat LOVES poetry as much as I do and she has been leading poetry, story and art circles. Our goal of starting Tellit - as we call it in a short form - was to connect poets and give them an opportunity to share their poetry. If you are a poet, we are offering you a great opportunity to put your work out there on front of poetry lovers. 

Let me tell you the story that led us to create Tellit. In 2018 I started hosting open mic poetry events and both Cat and myself were amazed by not only the response to it and the momentum it has taken on, but also the connections we made with other poets and the great vibes of the events. We have felt and have seen every shade of human emotion you can imagine during the events. We poets connected with each other in a deep and profound way. We discovered that something magical happens when people share their poems not only in written form, but by reading them aloud. Much more than just the content comes through when someone reads their poetry out loud. The heart of the poet shines through. And we have seen the heart of so many wonderful poets at our open mic events. Our audiences were touched in similar ways. 

We would like to continue the magic on-line. We are reaching out to fellow poets like you to participate in our vision of creating a series of poetry podcasts. The podcasts will be short and simple. One poem per podcast. You can send us more than just one recorded poem and we will post them one at a time. We can not pay you, but we will not charge you for your participation either. Your reward is being able to share your work in a supportive and non-judgemental place.

We would like to invite you to send us your audio recording and we will post it on our webpage, our Facebook page and on Instagram. You can get in touch with us on our webpage, works of beauty . ca by clicking the contact tab, or sending us a message to our Facebook page, Tell It Like It Is Poets or sending us a DM on Instagram. Our Instagram handle is: @tellitlikeitispoets.

If you never recorded your voice and don’t know how to do it, don’t worry. Of course the best recordings are made with professional equipment, but if you don’t have that, you can use your phone, tablet or iPad. Our friend Ryan Craduck gives us pointers on how to do decent voice recording using what you have available. Ryan has a long history of working for Shaw Spotlight, formerly known as Shaw TV. I know he knows his stuff. You can trust him.

You will find a link to his how-to article next to, below or above this podcast depending on where you listen to it.

Thank you for listening and I am looking forward to hearing your poems. Please send a one paragraph bio and a good photo or photo collage of yourself when you send us your first recording. You can catch us in our next podcast. I am Teri Petz, co-founder of Tell It Like It Is Poets. Connect with us on the “Tell It Like It Is Poets” blog on worksofbeauty.ca, our Facebook page, “Tell It Like It Is Poets” or on Instagram @tellitlikeitispoets. 

 How to article about recording your voice coming soon.