Hi, I am Teri Petz, co-founder of “Tell It Like It Is Poets”. 

You may have read my poetry or heard me read poems. 

You may have met me on poetry pages 

on the internet or seen me on 

the Owl Poetry Open Mic series on Youtube 

or the Shaw Spotlight Community Channel. 

This recording is part of our  Tell it like it is poets 

Podcast series.

I will read a poem from my poetry book:

A piece of her heart




The mountains and the water are a part of me 

and I am everything that nature is. 

I am the fire, the water, 

the earth and the wind. 

I am the coal of the fire, I feed it. 

I am the current of the water, I move it. 

I am a mother to earth, I nourish it. 

I am the force of the wind; 

I tear down and build. 

I am life; I was born and I will die; 

and every time I die 

I turn into a butterfly 

and fly like an eagle 

soaring high up in the sky.


Thank you for listening and I am looking forward to 

sharing our poems with you. 

You can catch us in our next podcast. 

I am Teri Petz, co-founder of Tell It Like It Is Poets. 


Connect with us on the “Tell It Like It Is Poets” blog 

on worksofbeauty.ca, our Facebook page, 

“Tell It Like It Is Poets” or on Instagram @tellitlikeitispoets.