Tammy Leimer is a licensed social worker and certified home and school visitor whose work is focused on providing counseling for students K-12 as well as support and resources for their families. Tammy has extensive experience working with students who have been diagnosed with emotional disturbances and students with a variety of developmental disorders. Her professional experience has led her to develop countless social emotional experiences for students including facilitated recess, cooperative and inclusive learning opportunities, truancy reduction programs, and community leadership. In her 16-year public school profession, Tammy has served as the district crisis response social worker, mental health and drug task force committee member, suicide prevention committee lead, Fuel Up to Play 60 district advisor, and board member for the county office of children and youth services.
Tammy's passion for advocating for others started as early as middle school where she created a make-shift social lunch group to assist her peers in feeling more included. She's happy to be able to continue working to empower others and making resources more available to those in her community.
In her spare time, Tammy enjoys hot yoga, running, biking and hiking through nature, brunch with friends, concerts, wine collecting and traveling with her partner, Jason, and celebrating the many accomplishments of her children: Danny, Jimmy, Salley, and Ellie.