Dr. Marlene Maheu started publicly addressing telehealth in 1994 when she was invited to Chair a subcommittee at the American Psychological Association (APA) to examine Internet issues. Her early work was based on a self-funded, consumer-based behavioral health magazine dedicated to bringing behavioral information to the consumer public on the World Wide Web. Her interest in the legal and ethical aspects of using technology fueled her research, which led to invitations from no less than 7 established publishers in 1997 after speaking at the APA’s annual meeting. Those invitations launched her subsequent focus on professional writing and training about a legal and ethical risk management related to clinical interventions mediated through technology.

As the Executive Director of Telebehavioral Health Institute, Dr. Maheu has served on a dozen professional association committees to assist with developing telehealth standards, guidelines, and other consensus documents. She has published 43 book chapters and journal articles as well as 5 professional books related to telehealth practice. Dr. Maheu is a consultant, researcher, author, and trainer who has served more than 55,000 professionals from 109+ countries.