A conversation with Teresa Quinlan

43 Minutes

Today's episode features an amazing conversation with Teresa Quinlan, a Transformation Specialist through Emotional Intelligence (or EQ). 

This was seriously an eye opening conversation for me.

Some of the key takeaways:

The fundamentals and basics of EQHow EQ affects every aspect of our lives How customer support can better handle rough situationsHow leadership can better manage their teamsAnd so much more

Teresa was an amazing guest and is definitely someone you want to contact and find out more.

She provides coaching sessions as well as seminars, webinars and workshops.

Website: www.iqeqtq.com
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/teresaquinlan12

Thanks for listening. To find out more about TeleworkPH and how we can help your business scale up quicker hop on over to https://www.teleworkph.com/

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