A conversation with HR Director Dreamy Rose Loquinario

33 minutes 

Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes at a call center?

I had an amazing conversation with our HR Director Dreamy Rose Loquinario who shared her challenges in the day to day operations of TeleworkPH.

We discuss what it’s like to source agents, what the agents have to go through and the English skills required to work as an agent at TeleworkPH.

Dream talks about how the company culture of TeleworkPH is the foundation for finding (and keeping) high-quality, talented employees.

She also explains what it took to develop the HR department as a startup from scratch and offers some great advice to others who may just be starting out and building their own Human Resource department.

This is not one to miss!

Thanks for listening. To find out more about TeleworkPH and how we can help your business scale up quicker hop on over to https://www.teleworkph.com/

Or connect with me on LinkedIn. Just search BizDev Jeff Thompson and please follow #bizdevjeff

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