In this interview, Ralph Szygenda, former Group Vice President and Chief Information Officer of General Motors, discusses World Class IT principle four, IT-Business Partnerships, with Metis Strategy. Some of the topics discussed include:

Ralph’s opportunities and the key factors that led to him being invited and accepting a variety of board positions.
The advantages of and value added from holding board positions while still being an active CIO.
The necessity of having the correct “mixture” of a business and a technology background to become a board level CIO.
The current state of the CIO role and how it has evolved over the past few decades.
The importance of guiding younger IT leaders and training them to succeed as C-level executives.
Eye on the Trends:1) Mobility – the ability to have 24/7 access to information from both the internal and customer side 2) Big data and analytics – how companies can use the vast amounts of data they have access to 3) Cloud – how to leverage the vast knowledge and resources accessible through the cloud while ensuring security and compliance 4) Computing Innovation – what does the future, in form, anatomy and capabilities of the computer.


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