A great use for an inexpensive computer like the Raspi — especially now that the Steam Link has been discontinued. — Douglas 

Remember the Steam Link, the $50 box from Valve that let you stream games from your PC to any TV in your house? The hardware has been discontinued, but Steam Link is still around as an app for iOS, Android, and—perhaps most intriguingly—the Raspberry Pi.

We've discussed how to stream games to your phone and tablet with the Steam Link app, and it's great—you get the mobility of playing anywhere in the house, but your gaming PC does the heavy lifting, sending the video feed to any device on the network. If you want to stream those games to a TV, though, the Raspberry Pi is a perfect, inexpensive solution for doing just that. And if you have a Raspberry Pi running RetroPie, Steam Link is built in as an experimental add-on.

Read How to Use a Raspberry Pi and Steam Link to Stream PC Games to Your TV via PCMAG

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An interesting link found among my daily reading