Welcome to Miami Beach, this year's home of the prestigious Aesthetics Innovation Summit. In this extended episode, recorded live at AIS, Dr. Stevens takes us on a tour of the most cutting-edge developments in plastic surgery and the aesthetics industry.

With an unprecedented gathering of pioneers who are pushing the boundaries of beauty and reshaping the future of cosmetic enhancements, this episode features enlightening conversations and expert insights into breakthroughs that promise to revolutionize the field of aesthetics itself.

Join us as Dr. Grant Stevens interviews the movers and shakers of the beauty business that are propelling the aesthetics industry into an exciting new era on the latest episode of The Technology of Beauty.


00:00:31 Niquette Hunt, Candesant Biomedical
00:06:38 Karen Long, KCK MedTech / Co-Chair AIS
00:13:29 Drew Taylor, Ph.D, Acorn BioLabs
00:23:24 Stéphane Meunier, Ph.D., HALLURA
00:28:04 Natalene Hoepffner, Fastox
00:35:46 Ryan Beal, M.D., Dyve Biosciences
00:45:02 Daniel Mazzaferro, M.D., MBA, RheoTek Medical
00:49:22 Paul Herchman, GetHairMD
00:55:43 Daniel Hopkins, AlumierMD
01:04:46 Jean-Yves Coste, Windome Banking Partners
01:11:45 Robert Jones, Revance
01:16:51 Barry DiBernardo, M.D., New Jersey Plastic Surgery

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The Technology of Beauty is produced by Influx Marketing, The Digital Agency for Aesthetic Practices. https://www.influxmarketing.com/

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