Adrian Domenech, CEO of Vitcord, tells us the story his community connecting and engaging people around the world through video at 4YFN during Mobile World Congress 2017. In this real-life-honest-to-goodness tale Adrian unfolds the process of how users contribute their videos through Vitcord to create a living 'mosaic', a continuously evolving body of experiences that come together to tell a life story. Vitcord and its growing community is creating a new way of seeing the world through video. We all create content individually on a daily basis, but in this hyper-connected digital environment Vitcord makes us collaborators through an app that allows us all to add clips of an event creating unique content that grows as our community of contributions grow. With Vitcord, events and social media viral content take on a life of their own enhanced and embellished by each of our personal perspectives while still remaining unique enough to call our own. Interviewed by Venetia Kyritsi for Tech Talks Central.