Paul Gailey Alburquerque, founder of Everywoah, talks to us about their experience in NUMA Barcelona and the company’s 360 video middleware apps for mobile VR, and ‘mojo’ - mobile journalism at 4YFN during Mobile World Congress 2017. Paul explains how they develop white label 360 video player apps for creator studios, broadcasters, and brands seeking Android, iOS, webVR, and other VR distribution of their virtual reality content. He tells us how Everywhoah supports journalists and broadcasters going mojo with 360 video tools, customizable workflows, feature enhanced publishing, and integrations with APIs and hardware that can make any freelancer out there give big on site outfits a run for their money. The company also develops instant 360 preview app tools for 360 directors and VR storytellers to benefit from smartphone powered real time stitching aids that can accelerate and guide the filmmaking process. Interviewed by Venetia Kyritsi for Tech Talks Central.