We discuss with Dr. Philip Sotiriadis of Telematic Medical Applications and Telematic Global Medical Applications, about his companies' services providing home care and marine telemedicine applications. We talk about how the profound technological advances in health continue to depend on the human factor, whether it’s the medical personnel handling the technology or the patients willing to be treated remotely. Dr. Sotiriades talks to us about his future work partnering with NASA and Dr. Perichles Papadopoulos of Stanford to obtain patents for new wearable devices that read and measure vital signs, and his ongoing projects to use micro satellites to provide networks for distant and remote areas with no infrastructure. He explains his company's goal to provide access to help treat people who would otherwise have absolutely no medical access and also the importance of using technology to remotely provide the knowhow and assistance needed to help prevent the spreading of deadly contagions, like Ebola. Finally, we conclude on where the field stands in terms of legislation, government oversight and how ready patients really are to give up there facetime with a doctor and opt for remote consultation and treatment. Interviewed by Venetia Kyritsi for Tech Talks Central.