“Love what you are doing and get paid for that!” That’s the aphorism that Dr. George Mousdis, a seasoned researcher of 30-plus years, kept for his interview with TTC, when asked to describe the greatest benefit of his job, followed by the declaration “which is not a job - it is more of a hobby you love!” That’s why young researchers-to-be must like it, first of all. Of course, he admits that everyday life for a researcher is not exactly rosy... Research is time consuming, which means limited personal life and less time for your family, as you are usually “married” to science. It is also rather difficult to get money for your research, especially if you live in Greece, during the crisis. Hence, he firmly believes that research must give back something to the society that pays for it by introducing practical or commercial value added results. This belief is depicted in his work, which is focused on low-dimensional materials used in organic electronics, sensors and photovoltaics, as well as applications like the highly accurate and fast virgin olive oil authenticator, crucial for the Greek national product. Interviewed by Yannis Rizopoulos for Tech Talks Central.