The close collaboration between the NCSR “Demokritos” and CERN is illustrated once more during our interview with Dr. Theodoros Geralis, Research Director at the Institute of Particle & Nuclear Physics of the historic institution in Athens, and also President of the 300-strong Hellenic Society for the Study of High-Energy Physics. Dr. Geralis gives us a first-hand account on their common activities, explaining the different kinds of NCSR participation in the famous CMS experiment which lead to the discovery of the Higgs particle, in 2012. He also describes the next steps towards a frame larger than the standard model, which will explain our world even better, solving perhaps the problem of dark matter. Finally, he points out the high level of the Greek researchers, demonstrated by the fact that they play a critical and quite disproportional to the size of their country, role at CERN. Interviewed by Yannis Rizopoulos for Tech Talks Central.